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5 Tips on Being a Smarter Traveller

Travelling and visiting a new place or country is one of the greatest pastimes because you not only enjoy the trip, you also learn something new about other people and cultures. But even if you are going to some of the most exotic or exciting places on the planet, you won’t enjoy yourself if you have not prepared for your trip properly or you don’t know how to behave like a smart traveller.


Here are some of the things you should do to maximize the fun out of your trip. This is the time to become a smart traveller:


1. Think before you pack


You need to think about your destination when you’re packing your stuff for your trip. Are you going to visit just one country? Is the climate different? Will it be hot or cold? How many days will you be gone? These are just some of the important questions you need to ask yourself. Do research on your destination so you’ll know what essentials you need to bring with you. The key to being a smart traveller is anticipating your needs even before you leave your door.


2. The devil is in the detail


Often we forget to pack the small things during the frenzied days packing stuff for the trip. This is when small travel essentials like toiletry products or medicine are forgotten. To prevent this from happening, you should prepare a list of the things you need to bring and tick them off as you place them inside your luggage.


3. Confirm your reservations


Although the reservation system for airlines, hotels and holiday serviced apartments are quite effective, especially with new technologies being used, it won’t hurt to reconfirm your reservations. Call a day or two before your departure to make sure that everything is okay.


4. Keep your valuables safe


There is nothing worse than losing your passport or valuables while travelling. To keep your things safe, invest in bags that have security features that will deter thieves. A money belt is also something you should consider. If the place you’re staying in has a safe, leave your valuables and your extra money inside it when you go out on day trips. If you are in a place where you are advised to always bring your passport, make sure that it is safely stashed in your bag or on your person.


5. Get travel insurance


Sometimes things just don’t go as planned and there is nothing you can do about it.  Travel insurance is extremely useful to protect against the unexpected. Travel insurance is specialized to cater for the needs of a traveller that is likely to face various types of mishaps from losing the airport losing your luggage, lost passports, to food poisoning.  If you shop around you can get some great deals, that will leave you feeling protected and safe, no matter what happens.


By: Derek Gallimore

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